Barn Owl was a name which made me click (I like owls y'see) on their link. The quintet are based in, University prospect for moi, Glasgow and describe their music as "Children", saying it sounds like "...". Very insightful. Bear with me.
Their Scottish-ness comes through in their vocals, which have that homely Scottish twang to them. Songs vary from jumpy, hand-clapping When No One Is Around, to crashing Light Through Spaces.
When No One Is Around stomps its way through the beginning before whispering vocals reveal themselves with bleeping guitar chords and the occasional, endearing handclap. The remainder of the track swings dream-like between the speeding instruments and ear-enticing vocals.
The element of fantasy and solitude is also recogniseable in Tara Key (a live track from their myspace). The guitars chords melt languidly over some heated drumming. The only way to listen to songs like this is with your eyes closed...until it gets to the immense blow to the stomach about 4 minutes in, so keep one eye open...just in case...
Chasing Little Sparks has a darker quality to it, sauntering itself into husky vocals and even more nonchalant guitars.
Barn Owl will be playing In The City on the 6th of October at 7:15 at Chicago Rocks.
Listen to When No One Is Around here.
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