Speaking of canalsides, he's also just been on the genius River ratpack tour which spanned about a week of dates to which the bands were all transported by barge. Yes, it's as enticing as it sounds. Justin is part of the Londonian "folk scene" that irritatingly rarely find themselves in the North-West. His live shows are something to catch if you can, he comes across honestly and it appears as if he's singing to you and you alone in some cases.
He's started using a mandolin for a couple of songs in particular which are fast becoming favourites of mine amongst others such as Holly, the tragic b-side to his ChessClub single We Are Free. Elsewhere songs like Happy Birthday You tell joyful tales of days spent with the one you love, accompanied by trundling drum beats and cornets.
An EP is expected later in the year but for now there's a three track demo CD available from his myspace page. Get it while you can.
Listen to the beautiful Friend We Weren't Even Lovers here.
I also reccomend this interview:
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