Besides the two points about the graphics and the duration I could probably link Batman's epicness and depth to Jesse Quin & The Mets, a delightful band from London who are ready to steal your soul and return it replenished and intact. And okay, you can't quite compare a band who have "poorly laptop problems" to one of the sleekest blockbusters ever but it's my analogy and I'll do what I want with it.
The band are led by Jesse Quin, and The Mets consists of another eight fantastically talented musicians. They've all been hidden away under an enormous rock for the past few months getting some songs recorded and my my they've done a great job.
Always Catching Up is the newest bright eyed, bushy tailed song to venture out onto their myspace page. It's a spontaeneous song that's bound to push you over the edge in those "Should I? Shouldn't I?" decisions (in the right direction of course), it'll definitely get you out into the big, wide world too, it sparks images of journeying across vast expanses of land to those you love...even if they're only in the next room.
Quin scribes heartfelt lyrics, obvious in Sirens In The City, a christmas carol with a kick of seasonal heartbreak. It's lyrics like "My hand dropped against my side when I heard you were still alive/I didn't hear the Queen didn't notice when the relatives arrived" that remind of the real life relationships and the old traditions we all have in winter. After a gentle beginning, the track steps up with handclaps and footstomps, creating an intensity hard to find elsewhere.
However, if you're looking for uplifting, show-stopping songs, listen to More To Life. The end in particular is hopeful beyond imagination and it's hard not to get a tear in your eye. Since I haven't seen them live yet, I am going to assume they are epic, just like any Hollywood film reel.
Oh, and actually, to go back to those graphics, the band themselves are very good looking.
Listen to Sirens In The City here.
And watch the inspiring More To Life live here.
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